Puck runs amuck

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” unfolded before my overloaded teenage senses. The open air amphitheater at the American Players Theater in Spring Green, Wisconsin was transformed into a magical fairyland. The woods pressed close to the multi-tiered stage, the actors were strewn across a 180-degree arc as they bounced and pranced through an enchanted evening among chiffon and colored lanterns. Above the audience, in the still and humid night, clouds scudded by, stars occluded then released in a sudden shower of ancient light swung low to graze the treetops. A distant storm over the horizon roiled with unheard flashes. Applause and laughter drew a tight perimeter and closed out the shy things that roamed the dark wild.

nighthawk answered call
Luna moth helpless flutter
shooting star flared bright

Click here for the Night sky haibun prompt at dVerse Poets Pub.

44 thoughts on “Puck runs amuck

  1. Wow! I love this – but I am a Shakespeare fanatic, so… I remember seeing A Midsummer Night’s Dream in an amazing theatre when I was about thirteen. The stage was circular, tilted at a 40 degree angle, and there was a huge orange moon as a backdrop. It made such an impression on me, the actors looking as if they were acting on the reflection of the moon. I stared in disbelief when I left after the performance – it was 3pm, glaring grey and drizzly. I just wanted to be transported back to dreamland. I often think of that performance. It was truly the stuff that dreams are made of.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Now that’s how Shakespeare should be seen – especially A Midsummer Night’s Dream – below the stars. The Globe Theatre was – and is – open to the sky and stars, I love the way you introduced the ‘shy things’ and then made them the focus of the haiku – including the shooting star!


      • Art of Free
        Verse.. WiNks
        With over
        3.3 milLion
        Words of LonGest
        LonG Form Poem
        Ever at the 701st
        MacroVerse oF thaT
        Ocean Whole
        Poem wHerE
        sEA LiFe at
        Of the Ocean
        Can gET
        Lewis Carroll
        Rabbit wHole
        Strange and
        Not everyone’s
        Cup of tea but i’M
        In iT for the Different
        And never the SaMe
        As i personAlly
        Find inSame
        A little

        Liked by 1 person

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