glutton for the season

Folly, folly!, off you go
through the woods to the airport
flight delayed due to snow
no in-laws this year! Happy retort

icicles hang from spouse’s brow
power outlets in short supply
will drive next year, this I vow
thumbs busy, kids roll eyes

complaints ring out loud and clear
over scores of cancelled flights
in the distance, a sleigh comes near
Merry Christmas and good night!

The Daily Post prompt

better you than me

“Tough luck pal”

last whistle of my shift
avoided my eyes
tossed clothes in the locker
scared times for the guys

into the slick summer heat
the guard shack ahead
lot empties more every year
soon a lonely bed

echoes linger of laughter
poor made her queasy
too hard to swallow the truth
vodka was easy

sold off the furniture
very little left
foreclosure sale next week
gun has heft

horizon ahead of the wheels
wind ruffles my hair
distant dreams offering faint hope
silver screen is there

admit one, tour begins at one

“Ancient Bones”

We get cold you know
Just because we are stone
And covered with snow
Wind still makes us moan.

Vague memories of birth
Men with sharp knives
Ripped us from the earth
Craftsman as midwives.

We get hot you know
Baking in the summer heat
Relief in cloud shadow
Crumbling mortar we excrete.

Jumbled in stacks
Waited our turn
Shaved with an ax
Roaring fire did burn.

We get angry you know
Two legs carve symbols
They hack with gusto
If only we were nimble.

Hoisted high in the air
Spinning caused vertigo
Fitted with precise care
Bathed in sun’s glow.

We get lonely you know
After centuries have passed
When halls lie fallow
But our honor is steadfast.

View from the parapet
Stretches to the sea
Paints living portrait
Of knights riding briskly.

We get frightened you know
Loud thunder and smoke
Arrow flew from crossbow
Peaceful stone was broke.

Moss covers the wall
Voices echo once more
More years than can recall
We are steeped in lore.

We are friendly you know
Let us tell you a tale
No need to winnow
Our truths are for sale.

“One’s Station in life is quite precise”

quite grotesque
the way she dressed
the clash of colors
and those shoes… I mean really, why bother?
forget last season, we’re talking prehistoric here
egads what a joke
when she spoke
all vowels
and jowls
it’s a pity really such people can be allowed in public, have they no standards anymore?
what Depression?
I need no intercession
the trials of class
such a pain in the …
well dear, you know what I mean
so, off to Tiffany then
have a sudden yen
for some tasteful bling
that’s the thing
to sooth my eyes
and my
I’ll wear it out
no need to shout
I’m rich
and you’re not

tour Eiffel

“Heart of Gold”

I fell in love with her that night
Shivering in the cold moonlight
Her golden curves drew my gaze
Caressed softly in the waning phase

A tree obscured my lover’s heart
Above a gargoyle gave a start
Reached out a hand gentle touch
Empty air my flesh did clutch

Instead I raised her eager lips
All talk for now was eclipsed
The golden lady cast her spell
Romance we now both knew well

This quiet street beneath her glow
Our bond together ceased its woe
Troubled souls kissed once more
Inside our urgent passion did soar

Bright healing beam casting wide
Melts the pain of stubborn pride
Inert steel though she may be
For us our love is always free



could be anyone

November 11th is observed as Armistice Day for the end of WWI. Most countries have renamed the day to something else. In the U.S.A. is it called Veteran’s Day for all veterans of all wars.

“______________” (fill in the blank, hero of your choice)

Dusty box in closet spare
tired eyes in thinning hair
memories of friendships past
calm the nightmares that will last
dress in uniform fit is tight
comrades in arms to spend the night
hoist a glass of spirits now
as the years fall from brow
was this the youth I used to be
when called for country overseas
left home and family far behind
band of brothers ease the mind
stride for stride we march along
for each other remain strong
battle won can mourn our loss
tally up the terrible cost
thoughts and dreams as they roam
learning now will be going home
others too under locks
winging home in wooden box
touching down on native soil
see crowds of family start to boil
emotions begin to overflow
lovers face in halo’s glow
eyes that see only one
all the medals that were won
little child peeps around
to see the parent that has come down
holding tight to fragile frame
this is worth more than fame
returning to civilian life
many pleasures ease the strife
strangers offer thanks to me
helped keep children’s country free
watching own family grow
not immune to all the woe
when time has come for eternal rest
twas in fact for the best
drifting now back through time
interrupted by doorbell’s chime
my old friends here at last
come on in let’s have a blast

long history of service

November 11th is observed as Armistice Day for the end of WWI. Most countries have renamed the day to something else. In the U.S.A. is it called Veteran’s Day for all veterans of all wars.

“Mothers at War”

She serves her country in harms way
works so hard to ease the strain
she misses family every day
hiding all those thoughts of pain.

Desert, jungle, air or sea
no matter where she fights
she follows a most solemn decree
that what she does is right.

Ones that have been left behind
a daily struggle to get by
the love they feel is in a bind
cannot show will make her cry.

Prayers always on bended knee
please keep her safe is all we ask
bring their mother home to me
let her finish her appointed task.

weekend warriors

November 11th is observed as Armistice Day for the end of WWI. Most countries have renamed the day to something else. In the U.S.A. is it called Veteran’s Day for all veterans of all wars.

“Our Guard”

men and women young and old
whose principles cannot be sold
rally round and heed the call
answer proudly when disasters fall.

offering trained medical care
to those in tents with vacant stares
the town they find is filled with rubble
patrolling groups stem any trouble.

bury the dead and feed the living
filled with hope and a spirit of giving
in regular training learn skills to hone
many are shipped to combat zone.

weekend warriors was a derisive cry
that is until the shrapnel would fly
convoys attacked and lives are lost
swift reactions lesson the cost.

rebuilding schools and winning hearts
protecting our honor is just the start
around the world our troops reflect
that the Guard has finally earned their respect.

our neighbors and friends give their all
so the rest of us can all stand tall
all the blood and the tears have come to fruition
our country is proud of our well-regulated militia.

so you wanna give up?

meandering streams
deeply fractured dreams
crashed beacon flashes distress
disrupt gentle flow
rapids drop below
dashed upon rocks of progress

progressively sharp
stout conscience does harp
fight hard for what you believe
injustice persists
official lie twists
leaders will always deceive

For the d’Verse prompt today, it is the alouette, created by Jan Turner, that consists of two or more stanzas of 6 lines each, with the following set rules: Meter: 5, 5, 7, 5, 5, 7. Rhyme Scheme: a, a, b, c, c, b

the best you’ve ever had

“H is for Hyperbole

I’m a man of sophisticated charm
no woman can resist my strong arm
I flash my wicked smile
baby this will take awhile
allow me to lay on the smarm

The Daily Post prompt

Noun: exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. ORIGIN late Middle English: via Latin from Greek huperbolē (see hyperbola.