celebrate my 53rd birthday

The weekly prompt is celebration at d’Verse poetry pub. October 12th is my birthday. I can’t help but channel The Beatles.

My perfect celebration
would have unicorns
and talking bears
discussing literary
masterpieces none
of which I’ve read
the cake and ice
cream would not
hurt my stomach
nor expand the
waist until buttons
pop and burst
the pinata filled
with dark chocolate
in every possible
rain forest flavor
certified and
gifts would be
non-existent since
I have my health
minimum wealth
no job as yet
a wife to love
cats to annoy
a roof over my head
a 23-year old car
I would like to
think I learned
something in 53
years perhaps
I have in
reality today
will be sans
hoopla simply
another quiet
day at home
maybe a movie out
would be nice
for a change

48 thoughts on “celebrate my 53rd birthday

  1. Happy Birthday! I hope you have at least imaginary unicorns and invisible talking bears, and a little bit of chocolate! And I’m glad that your fantasy party is still so wonderfully gloriously creatively inventive!


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