shadowboxing for love

a shadow
dream slammed to paved terra firma by solar radiation
a shadow
hope cornered near streetlamp by star twinkled blades

external shadows cast by survivors
do not reveal
the shadowed spaces
inside where love
once lived

a shadow
childhood crushed by shadowed abuse

d’Verse quadrille poetry prompt

Authors note: When I read the prompt ‘shadow’ I knew that child abuse would be my topic. Our internal shadows were shattered long ago and I have spent my entire life in search of love. I write so that our story will be heard in the shadowed places of the universe. My poems and fiction reflect my passion for chasing away the shadows and seeking the truth. I write about love, because only love keeps our shadows at bay.

I posted another shadow poem for d’Verse here.

57 thoughts on “shadowboxing for love

  1. I’m completely unsure that “like” is what I mean when I click the button. If it said “it breaks my heart”, that would be a better appraisal of my feelings about this poem, and each and every piece you write on abuse. I’ve seen the effects of abuse up close. The shadows can be overwhelming.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So many children live a shadow childhood, I’ve known quite a few and looked after one or two. Poetry is one of the ways we can shine a light on those shadows. Sadly, all the cases of abuse that I have known involved members of the victims’ families. I am substitute mother to one of these and honorary grandmother to her children, of which I am very proud.


  3. I appreciate the personal note about shadowed abuse Brian ~ It is a challenge to overcome them but with time and much love, you can rise above it ~ Thanks for your support of our community ~


  4. Brian, this is a strong, evocative poem. It is universal in theme, because so many of us exist from our childhood abuse, and as adults are still trying to come to terms with it. A very courageous poem, too.


  5. I admire your courage not only in your words but in your decision to step out of the darkness and find the light that you so deserve. I hope that writing about this topic has helped in your journey of healing. I am sure it will help others as well.


  6. Pingback: where do you live? | There Are More Poets than Stars in the Firmament

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